Wednesday 7 January 2009


Watermelon (2003)

Have you read the book?? no need to, this is an absolutley wonderful and funny as a chicken singing "I'll kill the birds" (Elin has a fever and is high on cough medicine with 96% etanol)

Anyway the movie is about Claire Ryan (Anna Friel our darling from Pushing Daisies) who goes to London from Dublin to work in journalism. She goes on an interview who do not end up that good (she pukes in the fish tank) which end up in her boyfriend dumping her... But guess what.
She did not even have time to make her bed before another one jumped in to it. When this new guy realizes (thinks) his going to be a dad everything changes.
When she later gets dumped after giving brith (still at the hospital) she goes home to Dublin and her family who do not know about the child.
Claires family is absolutley wonderful. Her mother is just qute and funny, dad is well he is a dad and her sister... what can we say about the sister. Elin is already married to this woman in her head (and this was before she saw the movie), her lines are pure genious, she's everywhere and nowhere and her role should have gotten a bigger part. Did we mention that the sister was played by Elaine Cassidy? okey now you know so sit back and enjoy the ride.
Well things soon starts to happend and so but we are not gonna spoil the ending.

We give this a 8/10, Helene gives it a 6.7/10 (most points for Elaine... so thought Elin. Emelie on the other hand just sat there an waited for a certain pie maker to appear...)

Elaine we drewl, Helene steals our candy, Elin is high on Elaine and cough medcine, Emelie happy over seeing Annas "private balloons"

-Medicine is the shit... and we are finally back at school... the threesome fritt vilt gang is back so behave or we will send a *wink*

1 comment:

ikke said...

yeah, i liked this movie alot, it was fun. =) and you just gotta love the accent :P