Sunday 25 January 2009


Twilight (2008)

Well anyone who has been up to date the last year has probably already heard or even seen Twilight. You might even have read the books.
I first read about the movie about two years ago after checking out Kirsten Stewart on IMDB since I really like her as an actress. She is multitalanted, gorgeous and very good at what she does.
So I really only watched this movie for Kirsten... at first anyways.

It's about Bella who moves to live with her dad. There in the new town and in the new school she makes friends but soon notice the quite and secretive Edward. Bella and Edward falls in love, and soon Bella realizes why and what's so different with Edward.

There is much like a typical High School drama. Girl meets boy who have a strange family. Girl has friends who are there for her while one can't stop drool over her.
Yet there is something standing out. I doubt it has to do with the whole vampire plot or so... I can't put my finger on it.
It might be Kirsten, It might be the essence of vampires (since they are very erotic creatures) and so on.
I for one really love vampires... not only cos they are erotic in nature but for there mystical appearance, past and way to live. It's fascinating on a level I can't describe. I don't know how many of you guys out there who agree with me... but there sure a hell must be one or so.

Kirsten did a awesome acting work as usual, even though the plot between Bella and Edward was part wise a bit cheesy it was in overall a very good movie, great effects and a very cool baseball game.
I give this movie a 6.8/10, could have been better, but it also could have been a lot worse.

YAY for Kirsten, you other Kirsten fans out there a movie to keep your eyes open for in a near feature. "The Runaways" where Kirsten is portraying Joan Jett in the legendary all-girl rock band.

Twilights IMDb

-Now lets drool over Kirsten some more.... (Review written by Elin)


ikke said...

yeah i thought this movie was good as well. and i have slight obessions with vampires, althought not that many vampiremovies are that good, just some of them, like this one. =) me like. i'm also super excited for the runaways movie!

HKF said...

Okay, I love vampires, I really do, but I don't wanna see a movie about a Mary -Sue. No f***ing way. Elin... how could you? Lol