Tuesday 4 November 2008

Proposition 8 - Say NO (not a movie)

The Color of Love, Love? – Elin and Emelie

What’s the color of love, Love?
Red is too sentimental and backstabbing
White is too innocent
Black is not really a color, we promise.
Green is for growth and to pretty.
Yellow is that even legal?

Love is not a color, it’s a feeling,
a feeling the universe will accept.
Accept it like your love for the fruit,

you’ve planted, eaten and borrowed.
Love truly is a color, Love!

How many we got left?
Pink an artist so that’s not it.
Turquoise is too cool for love.
Brown is the color of our curtains;
do we need to say more?
Purple is the color of bruises, they hurt.

Love is not a color, it’s a feeling,
a feeling the universe will accept.
Accept it like your love for the fruit,
you’ve planted, eaten and borrowed.
Love truly is a color, Love!

Blue, yeah blue is the color of love, Love!
Deep as the ocean, high as the sky,
as blue as the color of your eyes.
We are already stuck in your bed so now,
we’re going to be married in the name of Funke.
With blue rings to prove our love for each other’s *pip*.

It’s called same sex marriage, it’s about human rights.
Rights that everyone disserves.
No to proposition 8 .

-By Elin and Emelie

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