Saturday 22 November 2008

But I'm a Cheerleader

But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)

as you might have noticed today was 1999 in Emelies bed. We saw Girl Interrupted and But I'm a Cheerleader who both where from 1999 and both had Clea Duvall in them (we know where're a sucker for her)

So the movie's about Meagan (Natasha Lyonne), a cheerleader, Christian and the girl next door who dates the football star (who obviously can't kiss for all the money in the world).
When she one day gets home from school she finds her parents and friends telling her she's gay and that she's going to be sent to a rehabilitation center for gay people so she can get straight.
Straight is Great... Yeah Right!!
When she's arrived both she and we get pink and blue colors thrown in our faces, it's not a pretty sight until we see Melanie Lynskey and Clea Duvall, then our smiles grow and grow till there's not skin left to stretch.
Megan get paired with the girl with the bad attitude (aka Graham played by Clea Duvall) and eventually starts to realize she's actually gay.
She start's to accept it and give in for her feelings knowing they're not wrong even though everyone says so.
It really is a sweet love story with a very satirical way to see it.
Natasha and Clea have such chemistry in the movie it just makes it itch when they're not together.

We love it, we love it, we love it when they're bad.

This movie gets a 8/10 and we don't see how our gay friend Henrik didn't like it. He might have a fear of blue and pink, then I do NOT recommend this movie... Otherwise see it.

-Dance around the pole holding hands with god... or not.

P.S. Emelie starts to suspect Elin's high on Julmust cos she sees the moon everywhere. It follows her around even though Emelie insist on it to be a streetlamp. Guess who's high...

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