Friday 7 November 2008


Pathology (2008)

This is a movie about sex, killing people, killing off each other, and having sex after killing and in front of dead bodies and in the morgue. Basically It's a "tiny" bit morbid and pornish.
Of course we watched this movie in a public place with a lot of people. Everybody Loved it.

It has a good plot. It's a game about finding out the best way to kill a person.
We get to follow a group of medical students who's studying to become pathologists, it's main character is a smart ass, going crazy, horny doctor named Ted Grey (Milo Ventimiglia) who has a very disturbingly and annoying fiancé played by Alyssa Milano, of course we hated her from the start, and for you all out there who think the same you'll love this movie *hint* *hint*.

There actually is a couple of awesome female characters in this movie, well two at least. Lauren Lee Smith who plays Juliette Bath, the backstabbing, manipulating woman with great hair... Of course we loved her. And the fact that she made out with a girl makes it even more awesome.
The other cool girl who Lauren makes out with is played by Mei Melancon who plays the hot, psychotic vixen with awesome eyes named Catherine Ivy.

As you might have know we loved this movie, apart from Alyssa, but she get better towards the end, especially the final seen, VERY GOOD ACTING.
We are being very sincere, honestly.

We give this movie 6.5/10 we would give it more but we didn’t approve with something’s that happened to the cooler characters.

-Cough Cough, sneeze, sneeze we’re not sick at all or at the same time. Elin and Emelie. It’s starting to freak us out too.

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