Tuesday 21 October 2008

Show Me

Show Me from 2004, I don't really know how to describe the movie, guess it's drama thriller, but leaning more against the drama part.
The movie's about Sarah, a "rich" 30- something woman who gets kidnapped by two young squeegee kids.
Jenna (Katherine Isabelle) and her friend Jackson don't seem to know what they want, even though it gets more clear towards the end.

The acting's good, the plot is okey but the most impressive thing is the nature it's filmed in.
Anyway the movie have some unexpected turns, which just makes it more enjoyable.

I mostly saw the movie because Katherine Isabelle where in it, but I got a nice surprise to find out the rest of the cast where not that bad.

6/10 it where not awesome but still not bad, recommend to see it if you're in the mood...



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