Tuesday 14 October 2008

Murderous Maids and Sister my Sister

Murderous Maids or Les Blessures Assassines (official name).
It's this french movie about the famous but not so famous Papin Sisters who murderd there bosses in the 1930s .
There where said they had a incestuous relationship which this movie seemed to focus a lot on.
Don't get me wrong, the movie's good and very interesting.
One of the things we noticed where that there where no soundtrack, and with no soundtrack I mean Nothing, nothing at all.
We didn't realize this first cos we got so caught in the film.
The actress presentations where really good, even though the sex scenes where a bit to much porn-ish.


Now to Sister my Sister. It's about the exact same event but it focus more on the relationship in itself and it's shoot out of the sisters perspective which is very interesting.
The only think that Murderous Maids and Sister My Sister has in common is that they are both based on the Papin Sisters and that they both believed the sisters to be romantically involved even though it's never been proved.
The performances in Sister my Sister's beautiful, talented and ful of those litle moments that you just can't stop thinking about.
Jodhi May and Joley Richardsson stars as the sisters in Sister my Sister, the chemestry between them and it's always intressting to see people go insane. Which the oldest sister does in both movies while the younger one's abit naive and don't know exactley what to do or not to do. She just goes with the flow of her sister.
It's also quite funny that Sister My Sister's an all girl cast and that makes it abit different from Murderous Maids sence the "man of the house" have a bigger part in Murderous... while in Sister my Sister it's more about "the woman of the house" and how they treat there servants (the sisters).


Well I deeply recomend Sister my Sister if you want a movie that's sweet and still gets under your skin.
But if you're more out after some erotic sequences and french speaking.

-xoxo Elin

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