Thursday 23 October 2008

Out at the Wedding

I have to say I had some expectations about this movie, not good ones. After seeing Lee Friedlander (director) I had veeerry low expectations.
I didn't even manage to get through Girl Play (her other film) It where bizarre how boring and unrealistic that movie was.
SO you can imagine how I got a big but good surprise that the movies practically didn't have anything in common apart from the fact that there's lesbians in it.

The movie's about this woman, Alex who's in her early 30s who's together with a black, Jewish man whom she's engaged with.
But guess what, his whole family including him believes her family's dead even though they are pretty much living and kicking.
When Alex goes home to be on her little sister wedding, during a clearly misunderstanding everyone believes she's gay,and after some more misunderstandings she finally comes out as gay even though she's not.
So when her sister's coming to visit and meet Alex girlfriend (Dana who's here boyfriends name) she hires this "lesbian" to be her girlfriend.

The whole movie's a big misunderstanding, but in a funny, comical way. And there's some good very mini bi characters who's played by some funny and pretty talented females.

I'll give it a 6/10 mabey even 6.5/10


P.S we will be taking a break for about a week... School holiday and slow internet connection at home. You'll get the point.

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