Saturday 7 February 2009

Iron Jawed Angels

Iron Jawed Angels (2004)

Alice Paul (Hilary Swank) and Lucy Burns (Frances O'Connor) has just arrived from England where they where involved in the sufforgate movement. Now they want to help bring USA into equal rights for women. They get involved in a movement called 'National American Women Suffrage Association'. After a while they soon realize they have a different view and way to get to their goal. So while there new group fight both the other women movements they also fight against the law and the government. They go to many things. Public humiliation, no help from cops when they get attacked.

They are sent to Occoquan Workhouse for 60-day terms where they suffer poor conditions. During this time, Paul and other women undergo a hunger strike during which prison authorities force feed them milk and raw eggs through a tube. News of their treatment leaks to the media through the husband of one of the imprisoned women who had been able to lobby for a visit (the suffragists are depicted as otherwise unable to see visitors or lawyers). This last event finally leads to there victory.

As you might have understood this movie is based on a true story about how the women got the right to vote in the USA.
My first thought when I started to watch this movie was that it was an easy mood, awesome sound track and very good acting. Although the comedy soon turns to anger and frustration. I am so glad I didn't live back then. The women where suppresed and all they where good for was to cook and take care of the kids.
Yes I am a feminist, though not so radical, but I still get angry when I see women who get treeted like they are worth less than someone else. We have all have the right for equal rights and get our voice heard.
The acting was just marvalous and even though the cast was WOW I didn't have any great expectations on the acting since the Director (Katja Von Garnier) usually have good actors who act under there ability. But not in this movie.

The force feeding scenes just made my stomack go into phantom cramps and I could almost feel the tube down my troath (have had it once with anaesthesia and that was bad... just imagine that without and with restrains and no way to so anything about it.).
I'll give this movie a 8/10.... And even though the movie was over two hours long I didn't feel it. I just sat there, amazed in both good and bad ways... and the soundtrack... WOW just marvelous.


- Elin, drinking water. Wow... can't let go.

1 comment:

ikke said...

Yeah, i told you this movie was good, eventhought it is some time ago since i have seen it, but i remebered it was really good. Hmm, maybe i should watch it again sometime soon.